How can we address K-12 staffing shortages?

How can we address K-12 staffing shortages?

by: Kathleen Lane

Date: March 26, 2024

Connecting with education leaders is an integral part of my role as the Program Director for Well at Work by EdCan. Across Canada, education leaders care deeply about the wellbeing of their staff. They see the impact that workload issues and staffing shortages have on the health and wellbeing their employees. If there was a simple solution to effectively address these challenges, every education leader across Canada would have already implemented it.

The reality is, there is no simple solution.

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Comment résoudre les pénuries de personnel dans les écoles primaires et secondaires ?


Présenter le cas : Si notre objectif est la réussite des élèves, pourquoi investir dans le bien-être au travail?​