Springboard for Workplace Wellbeing
Catalyze your staff wellbeing journey with a structured assessment of barriers to and opportunities for workplace wellbeing
Springboard for Workplace Wellbeing provides you with a clear summary of overall barriers and opportunities as you begin your journey. Move from “stuck” to “inspired”﹣get clear on the steps to tangibly improve workplace wellbeing.

Springboard for Workplace Wellbeing gives you:
✓ Confidence in naming potential directions, stakeholder engagement processes and staff support needed to advance workplace wellbeing in your context;
✓ In-depth analysis to assess your situation, identify strategies and track progress;
✓ Nuanced insights from leadership, union, management and employee stakeholder groups and actionable next steps;
✓ A roadmap for developing your workplace wellbeing strategy.
Springboard for Workplace Wellbeing Includes:
Direct contact with an experienced Workplace Wellbeing Advisor;
Guidance and support for gathering and analyzing employee wellbeing data using the Guarding Minds survey;
Discussions with district leader and key district contacts to uncover their perspectives;
A synthesis of existing workplace wellbeing data, identification of gaps, and observations based on comparable contexts;
Well at Work Advisors Report that includes: insights from the Guarding Minds at Work survey and discussions with key contacts; areas of strength and opportunities for improvement; and informed, context-sensitive recommendations and suggested strategies and next steps for improving workplace wellbeing.
What to expect?
Springboard for Workplace Wellbeing is a structured assessment of your district’s current strengths and opportunities for supporting workplace wellbeing. Our approach is in no way evaluative: it is exploratory, intended to enable your district to make workplace wellbeing decisions based on data, and relevant to your local context.
The Springboard for Workplace Wellbeing process typically takes 4-6 months. Throughout the process, your Well at Work Advisor will engage collaboratively with the district to learn about your local context, consider data and perspectives, and generate the next steps and strategies for enhancing employee wellbeing. These findings will be synthesized into a comprehensive Well at Work Advisors report to guide your workplace wellbeing strategy over the coming years.
Starting from $15,000*
Costs are per district and vary based on the size of the district and the extent of services provided.
*Taxes not included. EdCan members get a 10% discount on all Well at Work Services.