Well at Work Advisors

Collect data, identify core issues, and take a thoughtful, systemic approach to workplace wellbeing with Well at Work Advisors

Guarding Minds
at Work

Make data work for you. Monitor and assess workplace wellbeing in your school district with a Guarding Minds at Work Summary Report.

Springboard for Workplace Wellbeing 

Begin your workplace wellbeing journey with a structured assessment to identify your school districts’ strengths, opportunities, and next steps.

Customized Advisors Services  

Continue your workplace wellbeing journey with customized coaching, consulting and advisory from our team of expert advisors with extensive experience working with Canadian school districts.

Why choose Well at Work?

Successful Canadian Approach 

Developed specifically for educators in Canada, Well at Work builds on successful evidence-based Canadian models.

Experienced and Adaptable Advisors 

Well at Work Advisors are experienced Canadian K-12 system leaders who actively contribute to our pan-Canadian learning community, offering collective expertise.

Customized to Suit Your Unique Needs and Context  

Recognizing the unique contexts, challenges, strengths and distinct needs of each school district, we tailor our recommendations to resonate with – and make real change – for staff teams.

Building Your Capacity 

Our goal is to bolster the capacity of district teams through research-based professional learning, and practical strategies, for sustained progress for workplace wellbeing. 

Embracing Shared Responsibility 

We see workplace wellbeing as a shared responsibility among employers, employees and representative unions/associations. Everyone has a crucial role in fostering a healthier work environment. 

Systemic Approach 

We focus on long-term, sustainable change by embedding wellbeing into school district structures, policies and practices, and culture. Our approach goes beyond individual wellness strategies to address the underlying issues affecting employee wellbeing.

Choose to Support a National Charitable Organization 

Well at Work, a core initiative of the EdCan Network, directs all our proceeds toward advancing our primary purpose: equipping education professionals with research-informed tools and a supportive network where everyone flourishes.  


of Success

  • “It has been a very rewarding experience to work with EdCan and Well at Work over the past year. We have completed the Guarding Minds survey with our entire district and have worked with our advisor, Charlie Naylor, to understand the results and build an action plan. With the busy work schedule we have, Charlie continues to keep us on track and the work moving forward. We are making progress! One step at a time and with the help of one another. We know that our students will do better if our adults are doing better. We could not have done this work without his support.”

    - Marcy VanKoughnett, Assistant Superintendent – Human Resources, School District No. 20 (Kootenay-Columbia)

  • Black Gold School Division valued staff wellbeing, but before working with our Well at Work Advisor we were just spinning our wheels. Our Advisor reviewed our districts workplace wellbeing data, gathered perspectives from employees, and synthesized it into an easy-to-use report. The report made it easy to select our next steps and justify the investment into staff wellbeing.

    Importantly, we were able to create a new Division Wellness Lead position, and the Well at Work Advisor’s Report was instrumental in onboarding the new hire. In the year since receiving our report, the Division has moved forward in several ways: restructuring how we deliver professional development to better accommodate schedules and reduce perceived workloads, funding for our in-school wellness champions for an additional year, fostering stronger relationships between school-based staff and senior leaders through regular school visits, and embedding wellbeing conversations into monthly board conversations. As we continue our work, we are focusing more attention to equity, diversity and inclusion to ensure wellbeing for all, and to ensure this work continues and grows through anticipated leadership changes.

    Listen and watch their Division Lead Wellness Teacher share Black Gold School Division’s journey.

  • Le Conseil Scolaire Acadien Provincial (CSAP), le seul système d'éducation de langue française en Nouvelle-Écosse, a eu une expérience merveilleuse en travaillant avec notre conseillère Bien dans mon travail, Manon Séguin d'Ottawa. En tant que conseil scolaire francophone, nous avons été très heureux d'avoir l'opportunité de travailler en français avec notre conseillère. Avant de travailler avec Manon, le CSAP avait établi le bienêtre au travail comme une priorité. Le rapport de notre conseillère nous a apporté de la clarté sur notre situation actuelle et les prochaines étapes pour élaborer et mettre en œuvre notre stratégie de bienêtre au travail.

    Notre conseillère nous a aidé à partager les résultats avec nos employés, en préparant une présentation pour notre équipe de direction que nous avons pu partager avec le personnel de nos différentes écoles et bureaux. Ces présentations ont donné à notre équipe l'occasion de réfléchir aux résultats et d'identifier les priorités. Nous sommes heureux de dire qu'il n'y avait pas de surprises dans le rapport et que nous avons accepté toutes les recommandations.

    Depuis la réception du rapport, notre conseil scolaire a progressé de plusieurs manières. Nous avons revitalisé notre comité de bienêtre en y incluant une représentation de tous les groupes d'employés pour assurer qu'il soit représentatif de notre personnel. Le comité affine actuellement une stratégie de bienêtre pour notre conseil scolaire. Notre département des ressources humaines a créé des comités employés-employeurs pour chaque groupe d'employés afin de s'assurer que les employés aient une voix dans les décisions qui affectent leur travail. Et notre équipe de gestion explore comment nous pouvons améliorer la communication avec notre personnel.

    Écoutez François Rouleau, Direction régionale - regroupement Nord, qui explique comment le CSAP a intégré le bien-être du personnel dans son plan stratégique.

  • Our Well at Work Advisor’s report provided us with a solid foundation for advancing workplace wellbeing at Rocky View School Division. One of the first strategies Rocky View implemented was to create a new position dedicated to staff wellbeing. With our Wellbeing Coordinator hired, the Division has been able to move forward in other ways – collecting additional staff wellbeing data and convening a representative staff wellbeing committee.

    In February 2023, the Division conducted the Guarding Minds at Work survey to gather additional staff wellbeing data. By segmenting the survey by role, we can see how different employee groups experience wellbeing.

    February 2023 also saw the launch of a district-wide wellness committee. The representative committee consists of teachers, support staff, administrators, transportation staff, central office staff, the Director of HR and a representative from Alberta Health. The committee has met twice so far, and is currently exploring solutions to address burnout and to enhance appreciation and recognition.

  • Our Division's collaboration with EdCan's Well at Work team has been transformative in advancing our approach to workplace wellness. Through the K-12 Leadership Course, our leaders gained a shared language to engage in deeper discussions about wellness. EdCan's Well at Work advisors brought exceptional expertise, working closely with us to understand our Division's history, assess our current realities, and design a personalized framework that aligns with our vision for a healthier workplace. Their guidance has been instrumental in setting both short-term and long-term directions for our wellness initiatives.

    Dr. Meg Miskolzie - Parkland School Division


Springboard for Workplace Wellbeing

Catalyze your staff wellbeing journey with a structured assessment of your current situation. Springboard for Workplace Wellbeing provides you with clear summary of overall barriers and opportunities as you begin your journey. Move from “stuck” to “inspired”﹣get clear on the steps to tangibly improve workplace wellbeing.  

Springboard for Workplace Wellbeing gives you: 

  • Confidence in naming potential directions, stakeholder engagement processes and staff support needed to advance workplace wellbeing in your context; 

  • In-depth analysis to assess your situation, identify strategies and track progress; 

  • Nuanced insights from leadership, union, management and employee stakeholder groups and actionable next steps; 

  • A roadmap for developing your workplace wellbeing strategy. 

Springboard for Workplace Wellbeing packages start from $15,000

Guarding Minds at Work

Make data work for you. Monitor and assess workplace wellbeing in your school district with a Guarding Minds at Work Summary Report. Based on work with school districts across the country, the Well at Work team has developed tools to enable you to make the best use of Guarding Minds in a K-12 educational context.

The Well at Work's Guarding Minds at Work Summary Report transforms your district’s 500+ pages of Guarding Minds data into a concise, personalized report. Based on our proprietary analysis tool and our review and analysis of aggregated data, the report includes easily understandable visual representations, graphs, and a summary table with highlighted areas of importance. The Guarding Minds Summary Report streamlines the data analysis process, drawing attention to critical findings, areas for further exploration, and priority areas for action.

Guarding Minds at Work packages starting from $6,000

Deepen and Enhance your Work with Custom Coaching and Consulting

Well at Work supports education leaders across Canada to develop comprehensive, systemic, and data-driven approaches to workplace wellbeing, to improve K-12 workplace wellbeing for the long term.  

Our advisors bring decades of experience, insights from research, and perspectives from the experiences of districts across Canada. Advisors can support as needed as a critical friend, coach, advisor, or consultant – providing the support you need to make meaningful and lasting improvements to workplace wellbeing. 

Recognizing that enhancing workplace wellbeing is an ongoing journey, our team of advisors can walk alongside you to provide ongoing support over multiple years.  

A comprehensive multi-year package might include: 

Year 1: 

  • Springboard for Workplace Wellbeing (including a baseline Guarding Minds At Work Summary Report) 

  • Communications plan and resources for disseminating findings to all employees 

  • Facilitated prioritization and action planning meetings to develop a comprehensive workplace wellbeing strategy 

Year 2: 

  • 10 days of Advisor support to guide the implementation of your workplace wellbeing strategy and support specific areas 

  • Custom professional learning for district leaders and school administrators 

Year 3: 

  • Guarding Minds at Work Progress Report and communications plan 

  • Facilitated action planning and next steps meeting 

  • 5 days of Advisor support to guide ongoing implementation 

Let our Well at Work Advisors help your district improve workplace wellbeing.

Interested in becoming a Well at Work Advisor?