Upcoming Events
Prochains événements
2024 - 2025
EdCan Members Event: 2024-25 Fireside Chat Series
In the 2024-25 school year, EdCan members will have the opportunity to join the Well at Work team for a series of fireside chats to dive deep into some of the common trends that we are seeing. In these small group conversations, you will have the opportunity to explore how these trends might be showing up in your school district. How might they enhance or hinder employees in your school district from doing their best work every day? What can be done to create meaningful change?
A shift in perspective: from staff wellbeing to workplace wellness
Join Dr. Meg Miskolzie, Associate Superintendent (Student Services) and Mark Francis, Deputy Superintendent (Human Resources) as they share how Parkland School Division is realizing their strategic priority of Student & Workplace Wellness.
Community of Practice School District Wellbeing Leads
Well at Work’s pan-Canadian community of practice unites school district staff from across Canada to exchange successes, insights, and lessons aimed at enhancing workplace wellbeing in K-12 education. Participants can connect with experts in K-12 workplace wellbeing, learn about promising practices from peers, and share their own experiences to foster understanding.
Community of Practice: Senior Leaders
Well at Work’s pan-Canadian community of practice unites school district staff from across Canada to exchange successes, insights, and lessons aimed at enhancing workplace wellbeing in K-12 education. Participants can connect with experts in K-12 workplace wellbeing, learn about promising practices from peers, and share their own experiences to foster understanding.
Communauté de pratique francophone
La communauté de pratique pancanadienne « Bien dans mon travail » réunit le personnel des conseils scolaires de tout le pays pour partager les réussites, les idées et les leçons apprises alors qu'ils favorisent un milieu de travail plus sain au primaire et secondaire dans leurs conseils scolaires respectifs.
Pleine conscience et bien-être : des initiatives transformantes au district scolaire francophone Sud
Découvrez comment le district scolaire francophone Sud a intégré la pleine conscience dans sa culture, générant un impact positif à tous les niveaux. Ce webinaire présentera trois initiatives phares : l'Espace du mieux-être du Conseil de la jeunesse, le programme de pleine conscience pour les élèves et le personnel, ainsi que l'intégration de la zoothérapie. Vous découvrirez les résultats prometteurs de ces approches et comment le district scolaire francophone Sud a su donner une voix à sa communauté scolaire, créant ainsi un environnement propice à l'épanouissement de tous.
EdCan Members Event: Nurturing Resilience: How Schools Can Help Educators Develop the Personal Qualities and Social Supports Needed to Thrive Under Stress
Michael Ungar, Ph.D., a renowned Family Therapist and resilience expert, explores how educators can build resilience in themselves and their organizations. Author of 18 books, including The Limits of Resilience and Change Your World, Dr. Ungar emphasizes that resilience goes beyond personal grit, focusing on systems that provide meaningful support.
In this webinar, he will outline 12 key factors that foster resilience, share strategies to manage stress and prevent burnout, and highlight the concept of "vicarious resilience," which refers to the positive impact of helping others thrive. Attendees will gain practical tools to create supportive communities and sustain wellbeing during challenging times.
Placing Education at the Centre of a Flourishing Community
Student and staff wellbeing are longstanding priorities at Foothills School Division. In this Stories of Success webinar Christopher Fuzessy, Superintendent of Schools at Foothills School Division, will share how their work supporting staff wellbeing throughout the pandemic led to a collective visioning process that placed education at the centre of a flourishing community.
EdCan Members Event: Attendance support systems: punitive or supportive?
With staffing shortages reaching critical levels, supporting employees to be healthy and at work is becoming a priority for school districts across the country. But how do you create an attendance support program that is viewed as supportive rather than punitive? Nicole Monotiuk, Total Abilities Management Supervisor, Waterloo Catholic District School Board and Sarah Scahill, Health and Wellness Manager, Medicine Hat Public School Division, will share keys to success and pitfalls to avoid when implementing an attendance support program.
Une éducation bienveillante au Centre de services scolaire de la Beauce-Etchemin
Joignez-vous à Isabelle Gilbert, Directrice adjointe du Centre de services scolaire de la Beauce-Etchemin, qui présentera l'initiative de son établissement visant à promouvoir une éducation bienveillante.
Strengthening public education to foster a healthy, flourishing society
In this webinar, we will engage Senators Stan Kutcher and Marty Deacon in conversation around some of the big questions that our public education systems are navigating.
Communauté de pratique francophone
La communauté de pratique pancanadienne de « Bien dans mon travail » rassemble le personnel des conseils scolaires de tout le pays pour partager les réussites, les idées et les leçons apprises.
Community of Practice: Senior Leaders
Every month, connect, learn and share to improve workplace wellbeing in K-12 schools across Canada.
A Journey towards Wellbeing
In this Stories of Success webinar, join Cindy Finn, Director General and Jennifer Neill, Assistant Director of Human Resources as they share their progress towards supporting wellbeing at Lester B. Pearson School Board.
Community of Practice: School District Wellbeing Leads
Every month, connect, learn and share to improve workplace wellbeing in K-12 schools across Canada.
Événement de membres d’ÉdCan : Santé et sécurité psychologiques dans l'éducation primaire et secondaire
La santé et la sécurité psychologiques constituent le fondement d'un milieu de travail inclusif et diversifié qui protège et favorise le bien-être de tous les employés. Dans cet atelier, nous explorerons la Norme nationale du Canada sur la santé et la sécurité psychologiques en milieu de travail dans le contexte de l'éducation canadienne des niveaux primaire et secondaire.
Enhancing Wellbeing at SD20
In this Stories of Success webinar, Marcy VanKoughnett, Assistant Superintendent – Human Resources, will share how at SD20 (Kootenay-Columbia) has been fostering connections, building trust, and enhancing staff wellbeing.
EdCan Members Event: Psychological Health and Safety in K-12 Education
Psychological health and safety is a foundation for an inclusive and diverse workplace that protects and promotes the wellbeing of all employees. In this workshop, we will explore Canada’s National Standard for Psychological Health and Safety in the Workplace in the context of Canadian K-12 education.
The Generative Listening Experience
Join district leaders and principals from Horizon School Division and Prairie Rose Public Schools as they share the positive results they are experiencing from the Generative Listening Experience pilot project.
Community of Practice - Session 8
Every month, connect, learn and share to improve workplace wellbeing in K-12 schools across Canada.
Shaping Healthy School Environments
Support the mental health and wellbeing of all school staff and students.
Community of Practice - Session 7
Every month, connect, learn and share to improve workplace wellbeing in K-12 schools across Canada.
Systems and Cultures that Support Wellbeing
Address the root causes of ill-being and design solutions to support workplace wellbeing in your school district.
Here Comes the Sun
In this Stories of Success webinar, Thérèse deChamplain-Good and Jody Seymour will share how Elk Island Catholic Schools is building systems, supports and shared understanding around systemic wellness.
Community of Practice - Session 6
Every month, connect, learn and share to improve workplace wellbeing in K-12 schools across Canada.
Leadership Wellbeing Workshop
Focus on your personal wellbeing and develop systems and supports to thrive.
Embedding Wellbeing in School Culture
Join Lacy Farrell, Principal at Nbisiing Secondary School, as she shares how her school is embedding wellbeing throughout the school culture.
Community of Practice - Session 5
Every month, connect, learn and share to improve workplace wellbeing in K-12 schools across Canada.
Wellness is Community
Join Klaas Hoekstra, Principal at Taber Christian School, as he shares his school’s story of building a welcoming school community for students and staff – and how this community-building approach is now supporting administrators at other schools as well.
Community of Practice - Session 4
Every month, connect, learn and share to improve workplace wellbeing in K-12 schools across Canada.
Community of Practice - Session 3
Every month, connect, learn and share to improve workplace wellbeing in K-12 schools across Canada.
Fostering a Culture of Wellness
Join Sarah Scahill, Health and Wellness Manager at Medicine Hat Public School Division.
2023 Healthy Schools National Forum
Be part of the 2023 Healthy Schools National Forum and experience a National community of practice committed to improving student achievement, health, and wellbeing.
Santé et bienêtre du personnel : le processus stratégique du Conseil scolaire acadien provincial de la N.-É.
Joignez-vous à François Rouleau, Direction régionale - regroupement Nord, CSAP, qui vous expliquera comment le CSAP a intégré le bienêtre du personnel dans son plan stratégique.
Community of Practice - Session 2
Every month, connect, learn and share to improve workplace wellbeing in K-12 schools across Canada.
Community of Practice - Session 1
Every month, connect, learn and share to improve workplace wellbeing in K-12 schools across Canada.
From Suggestions to Impact: Improving Staff Wellbeing at Black Gold School Division
Join Pam Verhoeff, Division Lead Wellness Teacher, as she shares Black Gold School Division’s journey from establishing wellbeing as a priority, to gathering data and taking meaningful action to support staff wellbeing.
*This is part of Well at Work’s Stories of Success Webinar Series
Getting the Most from Guarding Minds
Join us to explore how Guarding Minds can support your workplace wellbeing efforts in K-12 education. Well at Work Advisors will share insights from working with districts across the country.