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Distress Undermines Learning
Positive mental health must be a key part of our post-COVID recovery vision for schools
School Leaders’ Experiences of Navigating Through the Pandemic
Challenging professional roles and identities, changing leadership practices and values
COVID-19’s Second Wave: How are teachers faring with the return to physical schools?
Part two of the results of a national teacher survey on resilience and burnout during the coronavirus pandemic.
COVID-19’s Second Wave: How are teachers faring with the return to physical schools?
Part two of the results of a national teacher survey on resilience and burnout during the coronavirus pandemic highlights that teachers continue to experience high levels of stress and burnout – but also new opportunities for education
Sexual and Gender Minorities in Canadian Schools
Sexual and Gender Minorities in Canadian Schools
COVID-19: Supporting Teachers in Times of Change
Results of a national teacher survey on resilience and burnout during the coronavirus pandemic highlights how teachers cope with stress and change
Beyond the Binder
Towards More Systemic and Sustainable Approaches to Mental Health and Wellbeing in K-12 Education
How can Compassionate Systems Leadership embed SEL and well-being across an entire school district?
Well-being and Social Emotional Learning (SEL) have become increasingly top priorities in Canadian schools as concerns rise about the mental health and well-being of both staff and students.
How can parents and teachers support elementary students as they learn from home during COVID-19?
Schools across Canada have had to adapt amid the global pandemic, resulting in many students learning remotely.
How can mindfulness support K-12 teaching and learning?
The benefits of mindfulness for both students and teachers have led to a growing interest in mindfulness practice within school settings over the last decade.
How does teacher stress and burnout impact student achievement?
Research has shown that increased teacher well-being leads to more supportive teacher-student relationships.
Infographic: The Positive Workplace Framework (PWF)
This infographic provides the three key conditions to creating a healthy workplace in K-12 education: Mental Fitness, Resilence, and Positive Leadership.
Workplace Well-Being in K-12 Schools: What does it mean to “flourish” at work?
Facing growing levels of stress and burnout, K-12 staff require a workplace that encourages them to find ways to “flourish” within their school community.
Are Teachers in Trouble?
What is the relationship between the emotional load of teachers’ work and individual manifestations of illness? We need to document and address clinical needs – such as pain, functional impairment, mental illness and social isolation– that go deeper than simple “wellness programs.”