Research-informed Education Canada articles, webinars, case studies, and more!
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Pratiques tenant compte des traumatismes
Pourquoi le bienêtre des éducatrices et éducateurs compte
Un dispositif d’insertion professionnelle
Pour favoriser le bienêtre des directions d’établissement au Centre de services scolaire des Draveurs
Systemic Approaches to Workplace Wellbeing
Concepts and approaches for Canadian provinces and school districts
School Leaders’ Experiences of Navigating Through the Pandemic
Challenging professional roles and identities, changing leadership practices and values
WEBINAR: Leading Schools in the COVID19 Era: What have we learned so far?
Leading Schools in the COVID-19 Era: What have we learned so far?
Leading Schools in the COVID-19 Era: What have we learned so far?
A Tale of Two Programs
A comparison of self-regulation initiatives in two Canadian school jurisdictions
Educators’ SEL, Relationships, and Learning
Research has shown that teachers who develop and nurture their own SEL are those who create caring classrooms and support their students' SEL.
Stress and burnout are on the rise among Canadian principals and vice-principals
Here are 3 reasons why you should care